Zeidman: President, CEO, and Chairman |
Zeidman is the founder of Zeidman Technologies and is
considered a pioneer in the fields of software synthesis and
software analysis. He is also
the president and founder of
Software Analysis and Forensic
Engineering Corporation, the leading provider of software intellectual
property analysis tools, having pioneered the field. He is also
the president and founder of
Zeidman Consulting, a premier contract
research and development firm in Silicon Valley that provides
engineering consulting to law firms about intellectual property
disputes. Bob holds 22 patents, has written five textbooks,
and was named the 2010 and 2015
Outstanding Engineer in a Specialized Field for Pioneering
Contributions to the Field of Forensic Software Analysis in IEEE
Region 6 Central Area. He has
a Master's degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University
and two Bachelor's degrees, one in physics and one in electrical
engineering, from Cornell University.